Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Doing Ethics Technique Technology and Computers

Question: Describe about the Doing Ethics Technique for Technology and Computers. Answer: The improvisation of information technology and computers has induced a revolution in the present generation. ICT systems have a considerably significant role to play in various industrial sectors as well as for personal purposes. Therefore the use of electronic communication networks has facilitated a clear opportunity to exchange information albeit with the indications of certain pitfalls which include ethical dilemmas (Bell, 2014). The most compromising form of ethical dilemma in the use of ICT technologies arises in terms of information security. IT professionals all over the world are concerned with the ethical issues in ICT systems in order to safeguard the use of expertise, capital investments and ethical integrity of businesses as well as individuals (Black, 2013). The facts related to information technology security can expose the vulnerability of businesses to malicious attempts at breaching data integrity. The increase of cyber crimes by a rate of 38% in the year 2015 as compared to the previous year as well as insider threats account for the urgency to safeguard information systems (Brock, 2015). The costs of information security breaches amount to almost 300 billion US$ and predictions suggest that the costs would increase magnanimously in the period between the years 2016 and 2019 (Coghlan, Brannick, 2014). The estimated expenditure of governments on information security frameworks also profoundly indicate the importance provided to information security. The investment of 14 billion US$ by the US government in cyber security suggests the presence of ethical issues in information security and the need to curb them. The issues which are associated with information security are not limited to ethical issues. The causes for the breaches in information security as well as other relevant pitfalls experienced by businesses could describe the detrimental aspects of ignoring ICT system security. The different perspectives for defining the issues in IT security arise from the external agents such as hackers and internal agents such as insider threats (Greig, Taylor, MacKay, 2012). Furthermore, applications used by users for executing tasks and operating systems as well as the network infrastructure are formidable entities which determines the vulnerability of IT security. The improper implementation of policy definitions in context of security as well as businesses are prolific determinants of issues in IT security. The impact of issues in IT security is observed in context of various stakeholders. Stakeholders primarily refer to employees in a business organization, general users of computer applications, operating systems and computer security personnel. The breaches in IT security primarily reflect the most detrimental impact on business organizations which face the risks of losing valuable data related to financial statements, employee information and strategic documents (Gray, 2013). General users are vulnerable to information security breaches as cyber crime exposes significant details such as bank account details and personal identification numbers which could be used for unauthorized access to online banking accounts. Ethical issues which have been profoundly observed in context of IT security refer to the protection of intellectual property, privacy and software piracy. The ICT professional to be referred in this case is the IT security personnel of an organization. The action taken by IT security personnel in such cases would be to adopt installation of firewall for the organizations networking infrastructure and implement applications for detecting any insider breaches (Lacan, Miller, 2013). The ethical viewpoint of the measures suggests that review of insider threats also comprises of verifying emails and social media account of employees which is a violation of ethical privileges. Furthermore, the implications of ethical issues on stakeholders such as employees and security personnel include the vulnerability of user information as well as the need for moderating security measures according to ethical standards. The potential measures to tackle the issues of data security which lead to several problems as depicted above could include the different implications such as increasing the frequency of system security checks, software updates and induction of industry specific standards of information coding. These initiatives could develop a certain level of resistance for the security breaches, thereby providing a viable opportunity to the ICT professionals in business organization, especially IT security personnel, to identify the minimal threats and resolve those (Pink, 2013). For example, malware scanning software, scanning of internet traffic and blocking of malicious servers are some of the solutions which can be implemented in this case. The options which can be considered by the IT security personnel in this case could primarily include measures for preventing enterprise level software piracy and establishing a firewall to resolve unauthorized external access. The chances for insider threats could be mitigated through frequent reviews on weekly basis (Lacan, Miller, 2013). Information coding could be a major achievement for the IT security personnel to protect data security. The establishment of a firewall for protection of internal network infrastructure can be considered as the most plausible option for IT security personnel (Brock, 2015). The reason for selecting firewall as a protective measure against the violation of information security. The measure could be validated on ethical grounds through consideration of employee information privileges. References Bell, J. (2014).Doing Your Research Project: A guide for first-time researchers. McGraw-Hill Education (UK). Black, J. (2013).Mixed news: The public/civic/communitarian journalism debate. Routledge. Brock, B. (2015).Captive to Christ, Open to the World: On Doing Christian Ethics in Public. The Lutterworth Press. Coghlan, D., Brannick, T. (2014).Doing action research in your own organization. Sage. Greig, A. D., Taylor, J., MacKay, T. (2012).Doing research with children: A practical guide. Sage. Gray, D. E. (2013).Doing research in the real world. Sage. Lacan, J., Miller, J. A. (2013).The Ethics of Psychoanalysis 1959-1960: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan. Routledge. Pink, S. (2013).Doing visual ethnography. Sage.

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